+7 495 780-50-16 info@cioffice.ru Russia, Moscow, Olimpiysky prospect, 22

Managing Change in the Working Space: Myths and Realites. A Workshop


Managing Change in the Working Space: Myths and Realites. A Workshop

Are you planning the relocation of your client to another office or reconfiguring their existing
office space? It often turns out that change is only welcomed by senior management while
the remainder of the work force can be resistant to changes. Staff are often accustomed to
sitting at the same desk just as they take the same route to work. Therefore, paradoxically,
when a company gets smart new office space, some valued employees will nevertheless
resign. This can spoil the good working atmosphere in an office.

Сabinet Lounge

More and more commonly clients are asking their project managers and architects how they
can avoid such serious pitfalls during an office restructure. Even if they are not asking these
questions directly themselves then a professional will always raise this with the client to warn
them about these potential psychological issues. The key is to learn not only how to suitably
react to dissatisfaction but also to better forecast problems in advance. Mark Catchlove, an
accomplished speaker on the topic of thought leadership in the workplace and Herman
Miller's Director, Specifier and Design Group (Europe, Middle East and Africa), is pleased to
have the opportunity to present his seminar "Managing Change in the Workplace - the Myths
and Realities".

The seminar take place on the 25th of January 2012 in the “Cabinet Lounge”. Attendees will be from senior management of major international and Russian
companies, representatives of leading architectural offices and management companies
The seminar will be presented in English with simultaneous Russian translation.

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